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Thursday, September 10, 2009


Lately I have been feeling more and more frustration and angst over Christian culture. I am not sure where you are with it all, and I am not just talking about Christian TV (of which I would volunteer to go and punch all TBN folks in the throat.) I am more speaking of our Christian culture. Our little pretty lives as Christians where everything is always "blessed" and nothing is real. It has gotten to the point with me where it makes me angry. I watch our world go by and see so many people that are need of our awesome God and yet watch so many Christians, churches and ministries become more and more inclusive. Using words like discipleship and worship to make them feel better about their lack of sharing the gospel. I think we have just gotten out of balance. We have put all of our eggs in the basket of asking God to give us more and more of Him, and to "feed" us more of His word, and just one more worship song after an hour of worship; that we have forgotten and missed that everyday we come in contact with people in need of a Savior, and yet miss them because we are too focused on ourselves. Just look at all the Christian bookstores (now for the record I personally don't and won't shop at them because they take advantage of those that do by jacking up the price on everything.) Christian bookstores are filled with books about YOU, and what YOU need, and what YOU want instead of about HIM!!
Chew on this for a minute. Did you know that today you can grow up in a Christian home, go to a Christian school, listen to Christian music, watch Christ movies, eat a Christian establishment (Chik fil A), go to a Christian college, then get a job for a Christian employer and never see life outside of the Christian world. At first this may seem great, awesome, even ideal. But if we read the Bible and read the gospel and really believe it then we must see that this would be the worst way for any Christ - Follower to live their life. God has commanded us to go and share the gospel all the way to ends of the earth and I fear that there are very, very few that are actually doing this. ARE YOU? AM I?
Now hear my heart, I am not in any way hating the church or ministries that assist the church, for what they are doing. In reality I am asking you to check yourself before you wreck yourself. Our calling as Christ-Follower is to Love God and Love OTHERS! Time to step up or step off. PEACE AND LOVE - JOSH

1 comment:

  1. I feel where your coming from, Josh. Christianity is like a big club to some people. We are so pampered here in the U.S. How many of us would be willing to suffer and die for Christ? We'll put a Christian fish on the back of the SUV but will we die for him if we had to? Are we following a lifestyle or The Savior? None of us are worthy but some sure think they are. After all they've got the fish and the WOW CD's, right? Nothing wrong with having that but you know.

    P.S. if you ever get a chance to punch one of the TBN preachers in the throat, please post some video.
