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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods. That name today stirs a lot emotion in people. 12 days ago today Tiger was all over news. There was concern, worry and even tears over whether Tiger was okay. In case you forgot he was in an accident in his neighborhood and rushed to a hospital. It was all over the news. Worry shortly after turned to speculation, and speculation turned to gossip. Tiger Woods, on of the greatest athletes in the world today and maybe of all time (I am calling him an athlete even though I don't think golf is a real sport, no contact, no blood, no cardio - u may get a blister every now and then though so....) fell. He fell publicly and he fell hard. And soon after the car wreck it started.
Women from all over and from all walks of life went public with the relationships or relations with Tiger. And pretty soon, Tiger was a joke. Everyone was picking on him, calling him out, hating on him and calling him out for not being a "good guy." For not making "better decisions." How could he? He was a role model. What will kids and young people think? He should have been better. He owed his fans more. This was all that was heard. Occasionally you may hear someone defend him but all in all it was all about kicking a man that was already down.
I am definitely not giving Tiger a free pass, or even saying he was justified in his actions. Instead I think we HAVE to look at this and compare it to our life. See 2 things keep going through my mind as I think about this. It was 2 things that Jesus said.
1- "Let the man without sin, cast the first stone!"
2- "There is no one that is good, no not one."
See we are very quick to start hurling stones at Tiger, but if we step back we will see that we are no different. Tiger sinned, and guess what I sin too. I sinned yesterday, today and will sin tomorrow. It is my nature, as it is Tiger's nature. I, just like Tiger am just a man, broken and messy, in need of a Mericful, Gracious, Loving God. See I am no different, in fact the Bible tells me that If I know the truth and keep sinning and someone doesn't know the truth keeps on sinning I am the worst of the two.
The other thing I have drawn from this situation is that fact that someone can have everything. Be filthy, stank nasty rich, be a admired by the world for their gift(s), have a model for a spouse be held in high esteem by millions and still be unfulfilled and unhappy. See Tiger has everything and has nothing. He has nothing because he doesn't know my God. My God that wants to know him, love him, forgive him and have a relationship with him. See the Bible also says it is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to heaven.
My hope and prayer for Tiger is that he may lose everything so that he can gain Jesus. To know a savior, that as the preacher Matt Chandler said before brain surgery to remove a tumor, a Saviour that he is honored to suffer for and honored to have a brain tumor for it may glorify God.
Praying for ya Tiger!